WELCOME TO "ROMA IN ST-PREX" - Art Exhibition, Workshop, and Drawing, Painting, and Sculpting Classes

Welcome to my art exhibition space, studio, and place for drawing, painting, and sculpting classes, located in the heart of the beautiful village of Saint-Prex.

This space is designed to offer drawing, painting, and sculpting classes, and also serves as an exhibition venue for paintings and sculptures created by myself, part-time artist, architect and urban architect Maria Chiara Barone, born in Rome and residing in Switzerland for almost 20 years. The artworks mainly consist of acrylic paintings on canvas or wood and clay sculptures. 

Below: The works of the students from "Roma in St-Prex," and an image of the studio with Chiara's paintings in the background and two easels displaying children's copies of Monet's Water Lilies.

Maria Chiara Barone was born in Rome and is a heritage architect, urban planner, and artist. She studied at the Faculty of Architecture and the Accademia di San Luca in Rome, and then at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and the Haute École Spécialisée de Suisse Occidentale (HES-SO). In both Rome and Switzerland (Fribourg and Vaud), she has applied her knowledge to public service by working for the state. Concurrently, she engages in artistic activities including painting and sculpture (modeling), drawing not only from her background as a conservation architect but also from her personal sensitivity to all forms of artistic, technical, bodily, and natural expression.

Passionate about teaching, she has previously taught at EPFL as part of a course created in collaboration with Professor Luca Ortelli, and she has also long been involved in volunteer artistic education for children, both at her home and in public institutions such as the CHUV. 

Below: Chiara in her studio with her drawings and paintings, radiating her passion for painting and cats.

About me

According to an innovative concept, the exhibition of the artist's and instructor's artwork is combined with drawing, painting, sculpting, and artistic crafting classes for both children and adults. The aim is to stimulate their creative abilities and to raise awareness of figurative art in general, and particularly of pictorial techniques and terracotta modeling. 

Artistic training designed to inspire both children and adults is also planned, aligned with their desire to learn and their artistic curiosity. It will be based on the instructor's knowledge and several art and architecture history books, available directly at "Roma in St-Prex."

Below: Drawing and painting class: a child completes the preparatory drawing for a painting.

Classes and prices

Below: Sculpting class: an adult refines the details of a clay sculpture.